
  • Aroma: Fresh, camphorous & herbaceous with a lemon note
  • Potent Antioxidant
  • Purify and Regenerating
  • Toning

Rosemary aka “Oils of Protection”, dates back to the Ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks who all considered it sacred and has been used for centuries for its’ excellent benefit in toning and binding on loose, sagging skin, improve memory, and boost blood circulation which in turn promotes healthier skin function as nutrients are carried more effectively to the cells. Rosemary oil is well-known throughout aromatherapy for its regenerating and stimulating properties for the skin as it helps skin to regenerate more quickly to reduce scarring, repair damage caused by sun exposure, and heal inflammatory skin conditions. The oil also boost circulation thus help lightens dark spots and blemishes on the skin resulting in an improved skin complexion and tone. It is also excellent for hair care.

The whisper of flowers: Leaving the sweet smell of my memorable love for you.

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